
This website aims to raise awareness on the availability of resources for the conservation of birds in general and Seabirds in particular, and to stimulate the publication of results on the effectiveness of interventions.

Several studies have found that science and practice are often weakly linked and conservation practitioners do not always use the best available knowledge to make decisions about which conservation actions to implement. This means that actions taken to save species or populations are not always the best that could be used.

In addition, there is a lack of reporting on how effective conservation are the actions practitioners implementing are. Thus, some practitioners may be implementing very effective conservation actions but not sharing that important knowledge that could be used to conserve seabirds elsewhere.

Therefore a better communication between practitioners and researchers contributes to the body of conservation evidence and to the use of this evidence on conservation actions. This in turn should improve conservation outcomes.

Why seabirds?

Many seabird species are declining globally due to issues mainly related to bycatch during fishing operations, habitat destruction in nesting sites, and invasive species. Fortunately, seabirds are a well-known group in relation to their biology and their conservation issues – seabirds are well represented in the new Bird Conservation Synopsis, which synthesises all available evidence on the effects of interventions for bird conservation, and also in the case studies of BirdLife’s State of the World’s Birds

In addition, seabird conservation practitioners are a committed and well-connected community. This creates good opportunities to improve conservation practice if an increasing number of practitioners use the best available evidence. This evidence is now more easily accessible than ever with the new knowledge resources available.

To learn more about new advances on evidence-based seabird conservation follow us on:

Twitter: @SeabirdEvidence

Facebook: Facebook.com/SeabirdEvidence

Cover photo credit: Leo (0ystercatcher) at Flickr.